Rescheduled Presentation: First Reform Rabbi, Gilad Kariv, Elected to Knesset!

Gilad Kariv became the first Reform rabbi elected to the Knesset, Israel’s Parliament, and currently serves as the Head of the Constitution, Law and Justice Committee. For reasons beyond his control, Rabbi Kariv had to cancel his previously scheduled presentations for the Mirowitz Center. Most recently he has been caught up in the intense budgetary hearings that have successfully resulted in the approval of a national budget for the first time in three years in Israel. Failure to pass a budget would have meant the collapse of Israel’s new government and a fifth national election since 2019! Come join us on December 16 to get an update on the political and social issues with which he is dealing. Before his election to the Knesset, Rabbi Kariv served as the Executive Director of the Israel Movement for Progressive Judaism and worked on issues of freedom of religion and many religious and social causes. He helped establish Reform congregations in Israel, including one in the St. Louis Partnership Region of Megiddo, which from its inception has been supported by the Jewish Federation of St. Louis. To view the Zoom recording click here.